M-FERTI used in premature ejaculation.
M-FERTI helps to maintain longer and strong erection.
M-FERTI treats erectile dysfunction.
M-FERTI is a balance time tested formulation of standardized extracts.
M-FERTI Improves quality and quantity of sperm.
M-FERTI Enhances androgynous testosterone level.
M-FERTI Used in male infertility Oligospermia, oligoasthenospermia hypogonadism.
M-FERTI Is an energizing and bio vitalizing tonic.
M-FERTI Increase sexual desire/libido.
M-FERTI Promotes restoration energy, vigor, vitality and well-being through its nutrition properties.
M-FERTI Used in female infertility to treat ovulatory disorder, improper growth and an ovulation.